
Designed exclusively for RWU undergraduate students and select partner institutions, 学士+课程提供了方便, 攻读研究生学位的经济实惠的选择. 




这取决于你的本科专业, you may pursue graduate coursework during your senior year at RWU for many of the Bachelor’s Plus offerings. Some programs allow for courses to count for credit at both the undergraduate and graduate level, 为你节省大量的金钱和时间来开始你的研究生学位. 一旦你完成了学士学位, 你将在很短的时间内完成你的研究生学位, 节省你的学费, 而且比在其他地方攻读学位更快地进入职场.  

  • Save Money
    除了在一些项目中提供奖学金, the Bachelor's Plus programs allow students to start graduate coursework during the senior year or limit the number of credits needed at the graduate level following graduation from certain undergraduate degree programs. Students also save on housing and related costs with a shorter duration of graduate study.
  • Save Time
    而大多数硕士学位需要两年才能完成, 许多“学士+”选项会缩短一年的研究生学习时间, allowing students to enter the workforce and begin earning sooner than other programs.
  • 尽早接受和建议
    Most students participating in a Bachelor’s Plus program will apply during the junior year and start some graduate coursework in the senior year. The early courses provide a no-risk opportunity to take graduate classes without a significant financial commitment.
  • Experiential
    很像RWU的本科学习, nearly all of our graduate programs provide an experiential education with required internships, student research, study abroad, 服务学习机会, and more.                                                                                       
  • Convenience
    学生们都因为这样或那样的原因爱上了罗杰. 通过攻读学士学位课程, you can choose to continue to have the same great experience with a graduate degree program here.                


对学科有深入的了解,为实践做好准备, 保证奖学金和带薪实习, 还有机会向常驻教学公司学习. The M.Arch provides the necessary credential for students to pursue licensure in the United States. Students in the undergraduate program take up to two graduate courses during the senior year before starting the graduate program. 


Drawing from the depth of the academic and professional experience of the Gabelli School of Business faculty, the 36-credit M.B.A. program provides a strong foundation across core business disciplines with practical applications through required internship and international experiences. The program is designed to enable students to become strategic thinkers, problem solvers and leaders. RWU学生在本科四年级选修一门MBA课程, 允许本课程计入本科和研究生课程要求.


这门36学分的硕士课程在大四的时候修了两门研究生课程.S. in Criminal Justice is designed to help you make substantive connections between the study and practice of criminal justice education. The program provides you with opportunities to immerse yourself in the applied nature of the field while also conducting high quality research.


Designed for students with an undergraduate degree in Historic Preservation or Preservation Studies, the M.S. in Preservation Practices can be completed in just 34 credits over one calendar year. The program prepares students for practice in areas of cultural resource management, 社区规划, 以及基于地方的振兴和再开发. The program couples a multi-disciplinary approach with a rigorous core of field-based professional preservation offerings, and provides students a guaranteed paid internship over the duration of their studies.


Recognizing the growing demand for all educators to possess specific skills in supporting students with exceptionalities, the M.A. Special Education program provides a perfect complement to the undergraduate initial teaching certification programs offered at RWU. Exceptional RWU undergraduate students with an interest in working in special education can earn six graduate credits in the M.A. 在他们大四的时候进行特殊教育项目, 如果信誉良好, continue on in one additional year of full-time study (either elementary or secondary special education).


Earn your bachelor’s and juris doctor degrees in six years through RWU’s Three-Plus-Three Law program. 你会得到一个快速启动你的J.D. by integrating law courses into your undergraduate studies and completing undergraduate requirements in your first year of law school. Interested students must indicate their intent to pursue a 3+3 pathway early in their undergraduate studies for curriculum planning and advising. 

这个项目由法学院管理. All students interested in applying to the program must adhere to published admission requirements by the School of Law. 


Ready to Apply?

Applications to most Bachelor’s Plus programs are due by April 1st of the second semester of the junior year. 请注意,申请J.D. 3+3课程必须通过 RWU法学院 并应与他们的学术顾问一起制定适当的计划. 

对于对硕士学位感兴趣的学生,作为学士加课程的一部分, 请向研究生招生办公室提交以下材料:

  1. Completed 网上申请表格
  2. Letter of Intent (two double-spaced pages maximum) describing your interest in your intended program, career goals, and how you can positively contribute to the graduate program at Roger Williams University
  3. Two (2) letters of recommendation from professional sources or academic faculty attesting to your potential to succeed in graduate school. (建筑专业的学生不需要这个要求)
  4. Official RWU Transcripts (The Office of 研究生网赌的十大网站 will request these on your behalf).

Your letter of intent and letters of recommendation may be emailed directly to us at gradadmit@mindtinkering.com. 电子邮件推荐信 must 直接从你的推荐人那里来.